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What to Look for in a Holiday Invitation

The holidays are among the most special times of the year, and you want to make them as wonderful as possible for your loved ones. One way to do that is with an invitation card that shows you’ve put thought and time into its design.

1) Card Size

The card’s size is one of its most important features. If you don’t have enough room on your envelope, you may want to get envelopes with larger dimensions. But if there are too many people on your list, or if they live far away, then smaller cards might be necessary. It’s not uncommon for holiday cards to be slightly smaller than normal since they are sent out earlier in December.

2) Font Style

The way your fonts are styled on your holiday invitations is critical. Make sure they’re all sized and spaced properly, and use appropriate headers (such as Mr. and Mrs. for married couples). Also make sure that any graphics (such as photos) are high-quality; print resolution should be 300 dpi or higher. And keep things organized—it can help eliminate mistakes when you insert text into boxes on your template.

3) Font Size

One of the most important elements when designing an invitation is font size. You want something that is easily readable so your guests don’t have to squint and guess at what you’re saying.

4) Typeface Colour

We all know that what’s inside counts. But why not take it one step further, and ensure that what’s outside counts too? Nothing says Season’s Greetings! like high-quality card stock paired with quality printing—and you can see both of those things at a glance when choosing your holiday invitations. Want your guests to feel right at home? Consider an off-white colour with some texture.

5) Background Colour Scheme

When choosing background colours, consider what you’re using them for. Whether you’re planning on printing and handing out cards or simply sending an electronic invite, you want your card to be easy on recipients’ eyes and pleasant on their wallets. As such, it’s best to avoid bright colours and dark shades.

6) Design styles

When it comes to holiday party invitations, there are lots of things you can do with design. And if you’re looking to make an impression (and fast) here are two simple and effective ways: The first is using bold and contrasting colors in your font and images. This will help draw attention, especially when coupled with high-quality paper stock—you want your cards to look expensive after all! You can take that one step further by adding special printing techniques such as spot UV gloss or silver foil. Not only will these additions help your invitations stand out, but they’ll also give them a more premium feel.

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